- A-Level results day 2024 – Thursday 15th August – Please see our results information on the performance and results page.
- GCSE results day 2024 – Thursday 22nd August
- School will be open from 8.00am for students to collect A-Level results
- School will be open from 9.00am for students to collect GCSE results
Review of marking and appeals processes:
- Should a student have concerns over their results they are entitled to apply for a range of ‘Post-Results Services’. These services include:
- Clerical re-checks
- Reviews of marking
- Reviews of moderation
- Access to scripts
- The Appeals process follows the application of the post results services, including a review of marking. Appeals are used where there is a concern that the outcome of a post-results service, including a review of marking is disputed. Appeals can only be submitted by the school, on the candidate’s behalf. As in a review of marking, marks can go up, stay the same, or go down in the appeals process.