Our tutoring system consists of five houses, Arkwright, Fearne, Gell, Nightingale and Wright. Each house is formed from a number of tutor groups, consisting of mixed ages from Years 7 to 11. There are also five tutor groups in our Sixth Form, comprised of Year 12 and 13 students.
We aim to communicate regularly with families in order to share information and concerns early in order to provide a supportive and informed service; these might be family issues, support with homework or attendance concerns.
We have a Pastoral Base and Student Reception which we hope you will feel comfortable picking up the phone and letting us know your needs whenever you would like. Each house has a Pastoral Manager who is there to support your child with daily school life.
We have a number of house-based competitions in which the students take part. There are trophies awarded for the most house points, the greatest contribution to charities, the Sports Day Champion and for other competitions which take place.
Our Family of schools worker, who works on Early Help intervention with our students and our cluster of primary schools, is also based in our Pastoral Base.