Anthony Gell School Entitlement Statement

All secondary schools have a statutory and moral duty to provide students in Years 8 to 13 with information, advice and guidance. This is extended in Anthony Gell School to include Year 7.

Guidance takes place both within and outside the curriculum. We employ an experienced, independent careers advisor who provides students with detailed, personalised careers information and guidance.  The careers advisor works with school to ensure every student receives a level of support according to his or her needs.  The careers advisor has regular contact with all students in Years 9-13 through a programme of bespoke assemblies, 1:1 interviews and through attendance at Parents Evenings which include workshops for parents.

Education, guidance and support is also provided by the school’s PSE team, careers co-ordinator, tutor team and the work experience co-ordinator. We also aim to engage with a range of external providers to enhance students’ learning opportunities at all ages and stages such as at our annual Careers Fair and through other special events.  All students in Y10 will also undertake a period of work experience.

How is the impact of the careers programme measured and assessed?

Our Careers programme is monitored termly by completing a Compass + evaluation of the Gatsby Benchmarks.  These benchmarks are the National Policy benchmarks for the provision of good careers guidance.  We seek feedback from students, parents and employers with regard to the careers programme we offer and the progamme is amended as a result of this feedback.  We also track the destinations of all of our students when they leave school at either 16 or 18 so we can measure whether the programme has enabled students to enter sustainable pathways for their futures.

What are students entitled to from Careers Information, Advice and Guidance?

You are entitled to;

  • Clear advice and information about ALL the options available, so that you understand what they involve
  • Support and guidance to help you make choices and complete a career plan for the future
  • Regular, personal support on information on how well you are doing
  • Help to decide what to do when you leave your course, including further learning, training and employment
  • A programme of careers education helping you develop skills and knowledge to make choices and the transition to work and learning
  • The opportunity to be involved in making decisions about things that effect your learning
  • An opportunity to set out an individual learning plan, and
  • An opportunity to learn about the world of work.

Careers preparation, called Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) is taught to all students within the main school. As a snapshot of the curriculum, the main elements are:

Year 7

Students receive a taught module to assess their personal strengths, aptitudes and learning styles to enable them to understand their skills and aptitudes as learners. Students start some initial work finding out about careers and they explore different types of jobs that might suit them and their aptitudes, goals and desires. Early work on Careers is seen to raise aspirations and improve motivation to participate in education or training as a lifelong development.

Year 7 Careers Curriculum

Year 8

Students receive a taught module that supports them in investigating in more detail jobs that they might like to do. We also look at jobs in the local area and we start to introduce access to our careers library.

Year 8 Careers Curriculum

Year 9

Students evaluate how to make the best use of careers information available to them and identify the factors that may influence their decisions at key transition points. Students are given support in making their choices for Level 2 qualifications in Key Stage 4 and they complete a career action plan.  Students and parents also make their first contact with the Careers Advisor through assemblies, parents evenings and parent workshops.

Year 9 Careers Curriculum

Year 10

Students begin to explore how they are changing as they commence their GCSEs and begin to think about their Post 16 options. Work with the Careers advisor continues as some students will have 1:1 interviews this year to give them individualised guidance regarding their Post 16 options.  Y10 students are encouraged to attend our annual Careers Fair.  Time is given to writing CVs, employability skills and preparing for the Y10 work experience.  The Careers advisor operates a weekly lunchtime drop in session for anyone seeking support and also runs assemblies, attends Parents Evenings and runs Parent workshops.

Year 10 Careers Curriculum

Year 11

Post 16 options are further explored this year. The PSE curriculum supports students to make decisions about careers, post 16 options and career aspirations.  Work with the Careers advisor is expanded as all students who need a 1:1 interview receive the appropriate support.  The Careers advisor operates a weekly lunchtime drop in session for anyone seeking support and also runs assemblies, attends Parents Evenings and runs Parent workshops.

Year 11 Careers Curriculum

Sixth Form

Students are supported through the UCAS (University and Colleges Admissions Service) application process with work also being done on money management and living away from home. There is personalised support also for students investigating and opting for alternative progression routes outside of University.  Work with the Careers advisor continues.

FE/HE Providers Working with the School

All HE and FE providers are welcome to work with the school. If you are a HE/FE provider and would like to make contact with the school, please make contact in the first instance to Katy Lowe (Assistant Head) who will respond to your communication to discuss and explore future opportunities to work with the school.

Employers working with the School

All employers are welcome to work with the school.  If you are an employer and would like to make contact with the school, please email Katy Lowe (Assistant Head) in the first instance: who will respond to your communication to discuss and explore future opportunities to work with the school. Alternatively, call the school on 01629 825577.

We have worked with employers in a wide variety of ways including some of the following:

  • Careers Fair
  • Mock Interviews
  • Careers Talks
  • Employability Days
  • Employer Visits
  • STEM projects
  • Work experience placements
  • Working directly with students in lessons

Please click here to read our Careers Policy.

(click on the logo):

(click on the logo)

Once school receive this document, the DECISIONZ Magazine will be uploaded here.

We have access to a web based platform called ‘Speakers for Schools’ who are working nationally to promote Careers and Employability education. If you would like to find out more from their website, please click here.

Speakers for Schools regularly host a range of Virtual Talks from speakers from a huge number of industries; sometimes they are aimed at specific age groups and sometimes they are aimed more broadly than this. We would like to promote these talks and encourage our students to access as many of them as they think will help them as they plan their future pathways. Last year these talks were all conducted live, as they are still are now.  However, Speakers for Schools have combined a range of them into a Broadcast library which can be accessed on demand via the link below:

Apprenticeships on the Government Website:

Click here to be taken to the Gov.UK website – This website holds a rich source of information which can be used to search for local apprenticeships that are currently available.

Toyota Apprenticeships

Apprenticeships Flyer

More information about Apprenticeships at Toyota

This information is reviewed annually.