Our prime function is the education of young people between the ages of 11 and 18 but we hope there is more to it than that. We use the community as a resource – it funds much of what we do, our students visit, survey, interview and draw in the community, and local employers provide the work placements that we value so highly.

In return we hope that our facilities can be shared.  Local Primary and Special Schools work closely with our sports department. We work closely with the multi-agency team from Derbyshire County Council. Some of the  Adult and Community Education courses in Wirksworth are based in the school, our rooms, halls and sports facilities are available for community use when we are not using them. Given the financial constraints within which we operate not everything can be free, but neither need it be very expensive. Please contact us or the Leisure Centre Reception staff if you think we might be able to help.

Our philosophy is simple – that the school should not be viewed as separate in any way from the community it serves.  If you subscribe to that view, then we can work together.

Please see below for community information that may be of interest :

Crich Tramway

A group of Year 9 students have been working with the Crich Tramway Museum and their writer in-house, Kevin Fegan. The sessions are leading to a trip to the museum where students will interact with a tram that has come all the way from South Africa. They have looked at the different groups that exist within our society and wider, as well as how oppression affect us all. How Apartheid affected those living in South Africa will be a focus of the remaining sessions.

Mr Flint, who worked to organise the sessions, remarked, “It has been lovely to see students using their imaginations when developing creative pieces in these sessions, as well as hearing their views on quite serious topics like how people can divide themselves into ‘tribes.'”

The work done by the students will form an upcoming exhibition at the museum, featuring not only their written work but also audio and visual pieces put together within the sessions.

Tea, Talk and Tech

Tea, Tech and Talk’ is an idea supported by students from the AGS Sixth Form and happens in the cafe of Waltham House. It is open to residents and non-residents alike. The idea is to give older members of our community the chance to have a drink and a chat with someone from a younger generation. They can also bring their phone, tablet etc. with them, and often the younger person is able to help explain things about the device which allows the older person to start using it again or gives them greater clarity and confidence. It has been brilliant to see this support happening. The buzz in the room is superb.

“Tea, Talk and Tech is a rewarding and great experience in which volunteers are able to help improve the lives of people within our local communities, whether that is aiding them with technology or just talking, Tea, Talk and Tech provides a valuable time and space for this to happen.” – Lucy Lichters-Swain, Sixth Form Student

Wirksworth Music Centre

Wirksworth Music Centre is a social and educational organisation for children from reception to year 13.  It is staffed by professionally qualified musicians and teachers.  It is supported and monitored by Derby and Derbyshire Music Partnership.

Wirksworth Music Centre has been supporting and teaching young musicians for almost 20 years. The staff and students meet for group music-making on Saturday mornings at Anthony Gell School.

For more information please see the Wirksworth Music Centre website.