How do we promote inclusion and remove barriers to learning for children with SEND?
We set aspirational outcomes with children and their families for each SEND child. These are shared with all staff. We review these once a term (three times per year) to ensure we are focused on person centred progress.
How do we inform staff about your child’s needs?
We produce person-centred plans, known as pupil passports, in consultation with each child. Families and key staff in school may be involved in creating these, depending on the level of SEND. They are circulated to all staff, reviewed periodically, and updated if needs change. The progress of children with SEND is supported and monitored through the provision of targets, which are reviewed on a termly basis. In our school, the targets are added to the pupil passports, along with information about the primary areas of need/ barriers to learning. Staff receive regular CPD on supporting children with a wide variety of SEND.
What if I feel my child is finding aspects of school difficult?
If your child is finding learning difficult, the first point of contact is the form tutor, or if the issue is in multiple lessons, please contact your child’s Pastoral Manager.
The Pastoral team will gather information and if they feel they need to seek advice from the SEND team, they will do so.
The Pastoral team, SENDCo and Lead Practitioner of Inclusion, may decide that your child would benefit from some of the interventions currently available such as literacy support, or social interaction support. Children experiencing challenges caused by mental health issues will be supported initially in school, by experienced, trained staff. Children may also be offered family support or support from Young Futures. If necessary, children will then be referred to external agencies. Whatever support is being offered in school, you will be regularly updated by the relevant staff.
The Pastoral team and SENDCo/Lead Practitioner of Inclusion may decide that your child needs a more bespoke package which could include Dyslexia intervention, life skills or support from an outside agency. Your child will be placed at SEN Support Level as we will be doing something considerably additional or different for your child. You will be contacted by letter and invited to discuss progress and plans with the SENDCo or Lead Practitioner of Inclusion. This is a graduated response and close monitoring will happen to ensure we are always working to achieve the right outcomes for your child.
The Pastoral Team, the Head of Faculty, SENDCo or Lead Practitioner of Inclusion may decide that further modifications need to be made to teaching in the classroom for your child. They will relay details to staff and will carry out work checks to ensure your child is making progress. Relevant staff will also keep in close contact with you.
How do we support your child in lessons?
If your child has an EHCP, we will work collaboratively with you and relevant external agencies to ensure your child thrives. For students entitled to SEND support, we use a variety of interventions when and as required. Our long-term aim is that most pupils in our care will need support over time and become more independent. As part of this, pupils are encouraged to collect any additional equipment they need from our intervention room (G16). This may include laptops, pen readers or coloured paper.
How do we prepare our SEND students for the next phase of their education?
We work with the careers service, external agencies and local post-16 providers to ensure our students are prepared for their next steps beyond AGS. Each student will have the opportunity to meet with an independent career’s advisor at least once during Key Stage 4. This informs a personalised approach, with some students taking a place in the sixth form at AGS whilst others go on to college or apprenticeships. Pupils in KS5 are support via the sixth form staff and SENDCo, to make appropriate career choices.
How do we identify/assess potential special educational needs and disabilities?
We have a variety of procedures in place including monitoring of external tests such as CATs, transition information from primary schools and feedback from staff. We also draw on external expertise when necessary. Please see our SEND policy for more detail.