Every student should expect their achievements to be recognised and at the Anthony Gell School we operate a system that works to support achievement and reward the positive contributions our students make across a wide range of areas.

All staff are able to issue rewards using our Class Charts software according to the guidelines set out in our behaviour policy. Staff will issue rewards points to recognise a wide number of areas of achievement including:

  • Making good progress against each students targets
  • Outstanding attendance
  • Supporting the community
  • Involvement in fund raising efforts
  • Taking part in wider activities e.g. drama productions , sporting clubs

Each member of staff will issue rewards points according to the following table:

1 All StaffEvery day achievements; Good work, effort, behaviour, positive attitude, supporting othersDailyVerbal/written (in work book) praise Award points on PARS
2 All staffRepeated every day achievements or a single major achievement; Consistent good work, excellent effort, behaviour, improvement, achieving targets, maintaining consistent standards, contribution to school lifeDailyAward points on PARS Postcard/ Phone call/email home
3 Teachers & TutorsOutstanding work and contribution to the classroom or wider school community e.g. sports activity, school performance (drama, dance, music), helping out at events (e.g. Y6 parents evening). Helping others.As appropriateAward points on PARS Give profile to student and their work, display where appropriate Promote achievement through school newsletter, local press
4 Heads of House / Faculty HeadsExceptional (excellence) prolonged effort and attendance. Out of school contributions. Charity fund-raising efforts. Outstanding contribution to the House or Tutor Group Or in support of fellow studentsAs appropriateAward points on PARS Communicate with home (email, phone-call) Assembly celebration
5 HTOutstanding contribution to the community Outstanding achievement Overcoming adversityAs appropriate / termlyAward points on PARS Communicate with home (email, phone-call)

As students reach thresholds in the number of reward points they receive they are entitled to a range of rewards.

Parents are able to find out about how many rewards points their child has been awarded through the school’s Insight facility (the logon can be found via the link at the bottom of the webpage). Parents will also receive other communications from school (as shown in the previous tables) such as emails, phone calls and/or postcards to share the positive message.