Safeguarding Overview

Anthony Gell School is committed to safeguarding, promoting the welfare of children and young people, and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. We are fully committed to ensuring that consistent, effective safeguarding procedures are in place to support families, children and staff at school. All concerns are passed through the members of staff who are trained as “Designated Safeguarding Lead Officers”  in compliance with the “sharing of information” guidance.

Our Safeguarding child protection policy can be found on our Policies Page

Safeguarding Contacts

002817 7EA556046D

Helen Dafforne

Head of Pastoral Care

Designated Safeguarding Lead Officer


H200012 DNTPKD 5B3038922F

Nick Watts

Deputy Headteacher


H200012 NDCNJT 1C6CF3189A

Paul Lovatt

Assistant Headteacher

email :

Safeguarding Measures

Cause for Concern

All staff at Anthony Gell School are asked to report any causes for concern to the Designated Safeguarding Lead Officer .


All lateness and absences are recorded by the pastoral team. Reasons will be sought for all absence or lateness. Attendance is monitored through these systems and referrals to the Designated Child Protection Officer can be made. Parents will always be informed of concerns around attendance at the earliest point. If attendance continues to concern the school, we may make a referral to the Education Welfare Officer.


Please refer to our E-safety information on our E-Safety page

Useful links