Provision During a Full School Closure
During a full school closure as in Jan-Feb 2021, students in Years 10-13 will be taught on Microsoft Teams as per the students’ timetables (with the exception of core PE, CR and tutor time) All learning resources will be provided on the student intranet to enable students to successfully access the learning if they cannot access the live lesson.
For students in Years 7-9, a timetable is in place to cover the full breadth of the curriculum over a period of 4 hours per day. Again, these lessons are taught live via Microsoft Teams with resources uploaded to the intranet. As per Derbyshire County Council guidance, we do not record live lessons for safeguarding reasons so students cannot access the teacher led live content once it has been delivered, but can still access resources from the lesson on the student intranet. Students are also invited to a weekly tutor time session to keep in touch with their tutor and peers. Registers, which show accurate attendance details for live lessons, are downloaded from Teams with teachers and Pastoral staff contacting parents/carers of students who fail to attend the timetabled lessons.
Our Pastoral / SEND staff contact each student every 2 weeks, with our cohort of vulnerable and SEND students being contacted weekly, or more frequently if necessary. Virtual assemblies are held via Microsoft Teams and will cover topics as broad as: student finance, mental health and wellbeing, the changing examinations process etc. Careers appointments for Y11 students continue to be held remotely.
Students with additional needs, including those who have a parent/carer who is a key worker and those with SEND needs, are encouraged to attend school and work alongside their peers within the school setting. This is to maintain the school routine, provide respite for parents and carers, but also to allow the student to receive specialist support alongside the remote teaching. The provision within school is tailored to the needs of the individual and can involve the use of rest and activity breaks. Groups are formed and maintained to support social interaction and social communication skills, as well as limit contact/possible transmission between students of different ages. More nurturing activities can be provided to support the emotional wellbeing of the student.
A wide range of assessment and feedback techniques will be incorporated including: Microsoft Forms, GCSEPOD, Kahoot, Quiziz as well as more extended tasks that are submitted to the teacher in the marking folder structure or via Microsoft Teams. These tasks are varied and relevant to the context of the subject and the Year group.