How do we work with parents?

Anthony Gell School works very closely with parents to ensure that the students feel supported.

How do we ensure we are removing barriers and moving forward?

We set outcomes with children and their families for each SEND child. These are circulated to all staff. We review these once a term to ensure we are focused on person centred progress.

How do we inform staff about your child’s needs?

We produce person centred plans in consultation with children and their families for each SEND child. These are circulated to all staff and updated if needs change.

What Should I do if my child is struggling with their learning?

If your child is struggling with their learning, the first port of call is the class teacher or if the issue is in multiple lessons, please contact your child’s Pastoral Manager.

The Pastoral team will gather information and if they feel they need to seek advice from the Sendco they will do so.

The Pastoral team and Sendco may decide that your child would benefit from some of the interventions currently available such as literacy support, positive support, access to the inclusion base. If this is the case, you will be contacted about what support is being offered to your child and kept informed of how they are doing by your child’s tutor, the Inclusion Manager or the literacy coordinator.

The Pastoral team and Sendco may decide that your child needs a more bespoke package which could include Dyslexia intervention, life skills or support from an outside agency. Your child will be placed at SEN Support Level as we will be doing something considerably additional or different for your child. You will be contacted by letter
and invited to discuss progress and plans with the Sendco. This is a graduated response and close monitoring will happen to ensure we are always supporting the right outcomes for your child.

The Pastoral Team, the Head of Faculty or the Sendco may decide that further modifications need to be made to teaching in the classroom for your child. The Sendco or Head of Faculty will relay details to staff and will carry out work checks to ensure your child is making progress. The Sendco or Head of Faculty will keep in close contact with you.

How do we support your child in lessons?

If the SEND child is statemented/has an EHCP, we will consult you over the best use of their teaching assistant hours. For SEN support students, we will try to give them some access to shared support if needed.

What if my child is finding things difficult emotionally, or struggling with aspects of a physical disability?

If you child is struggling emotionally, the first port of call is your child’s Pastoral Manager. We also have G16, an emotional and medical support base, where we can cater for emergency or short term needs, to ensure children still have access to the curriculum.

How do we prepare our SEND students for the next phases of their education?

We work with the careers service, other external services and local post 16 providers to ensure our students are prepared for their next steps. This is a personalised approach with some students staying here for post 16 and some going to college or apprenticeships.

How do we identify/assess potential special educational needs and disabilities?

We have a variety of procedures in place including monitoring of external tests such as CATs, transition information and feedback from staff. We also draw on external expertise when necessary.
Please see the policy link for more detail.

What interventions do we offer?

We support students outside lessons in a range of ways from literacy intervention to positive support.

Full details can be found in the SEND Policy.

What special educational needs and disabilities do we cater for?

We have experience with a wide range of needs. However as a mainstream school, there will always be some limitations so we would be happy to meet and discuss whether we are the right place for your child.

What does the local authority have to offer?

Each Local Authority has to produce a ‘Local Offer’. In our case this is Derbyshire County Council. The local offer lists everything the local authority can offer to support SEND children and their families. Many of the things are available without the need for a statement or Education and Health Care Plan.

Please click here to view the ‘SEND Information Report and School Local Offer 2022-2023’

Click here to see Derbyshire County Council’s Local Offer

Further details needed? Other Questions?

Further details can be found in the SEND Policy

Anything we can do to help please do not hesitate to contact us. If you have any suggestions for improving the information we provide on the website or in the policy do let us know.

Useful Information for Parents

SENDCo – Dr Lesley Cyster

Telephone: 01629 825577

Assistant SENDCo – Mrs Emily Marshall-Sims

Telephone: 01629 825577